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On 4th October 2021 our Firm will attend a meeting hosted by Cisco and regarding the safety of goods in multimodal transportation and the CTU Code.
The subject of the debate will be the absolute preview of the Italian version of the Code UTI (CTU Code).
Our colleague Adv. Enrico Molisani will [...]
News published on: 30 September 2021 At 10:08:33
Port & Shipping Tech Conference - Genova 6th - 8th October 2021
Our Firm is delighted to attend the Port & Shipping Tech Conference within the Genoa Shipping Week which will take place form 4th to 10th October 2021.
In that occasion, our Colleague Mr Enrico Molisani will also attend as speaker dealing with "Drones and Shipping" on 7th October.
News published on: 29 September 2021 At 12:02:30